PhD theses

Clare Aitken
Implementation of hrHPV-based primary cervical cancer screening in the Netherlands: changes and challenges across the screening process

Maaike Alblas
Better Decision Making in Cancer: Screening tests and prediction models

Raquel Nogueira Avelar e Silva
‘Predictors and Outcomes of Adolescents’ Sexual and Reproductive Health: An Ecological Approach

Esmee Bally
Improving the quality of care for older adults: Towards person-centred integrated care supported by digital health technology

Lotte Barmentloo
What works for fall prevention and cardiovascular disease screening

Erik Blom
Lung Cancer Screening: The interplay of early detection, treatment, and quality of life in the United States

Nienke Boderie
Towards a smoke-free generation: Novel strategies to phase out tobacco use

Mirte Boelens
Public health at the local level: Promoting child and adolescent health and well-being

Amanda Bos
Real-world Aspects of Colorectal Cancer Survival in the Netherlands

Arianne Brinkman-Stoppelenburg
Hospital Palliative Care Team Consultations For Patients With Advanced Cancer: Too few, too late

Jeroen van den Broek
Public Health Benefits and Harms of Breast Cancer Screening: Microsimulation informing screening recommendations

Vera Broks
Medical student stress and performance: Student characteristics in interaction with school and societal factors

Caroline Bulstra
The last decade of HIV? Reaching sustainable HIV control through improved epidemiological understanding and healt systems innovation

Dayna Cenin
Pathways for optimising colorectal cancer screening programs: a modelling assessment

Periklis Charalampous
Burden of disease studies in Europe: Methodological advances and applications

Yudhy Dharmawan
Improving early detection of leprosy in Indonesia: Establishing case detection delay and associated factors

Simone Dijkland
Prediction and Outcome Analyses in Acute Neurological Diseases.

Belen Dofitas
Yaws in the Philippines: The rediscovery of a forgotten and neglected tropical disease

Helen Driessen
Optimizing Psychosocial Supportive Care for Patients with Cancer and their Relatives

Diana Eijgermans
Access to care: Determinants of Children’s Mental Health Care Use

Marijanne Engel
Transmural Collaboration in Palliative Care: Perspectives of Nurses and Physicians

Özcan Erdem
Neighbourhood Structural and Social Factors and Mental Health

Jet van Esch
Sound or Silence? Multidimensional Aspects of Death Rattle Highlighted

Abby Falla
Towards the elimination of chronic viral hepatitis in Europe: prevalence, risk groups and screening strategies

Yuan Fang
Parenting & Child Health: insights into related factors and parenting support

Irene Fierloos
Perceived social support and loneliness: Social factors associated with health and wellbeing across the lifespan

Suzanne Fikrat-Wevers
Selection and student diversity: The impact of tools, preparatory activities and applicant acceptance in health professions education

Carmen Franse
Healthy ageing in Europe: Variation and promotion among older persons

Ahmad Fuady
Tuberculosis-related Catastrophic Cost Since the Implementation of Universal Health Coverage in Indonesia

Eric Geijteman
Decisions about medical treatment in the last phase of life : Withholding and withdrawing medication and other interventions

Abraham Getaneh
Modeling of prostate cancer screening: The future directions

Amarens Geuzinge
Breast Cancer Screening for Women at Increased Risk: Comparing MRI with mammography

Andrea Gini
Microsimulation Models to Inform Colorectal Cancer Screening Decisions: From validated tools to tailoring recommendations

Benjamin Gravesteijn
Observational Data to Improve Clinical Decision Making in Acute Care

Karen van Hedel
Explaining the US Health Disadvantage: The role of social inequalities

Else-Mariëtte van Heijningen
Colorectal Cancer Prevention : Surveillance of adenoma patients –towards more efficient guidelines

Shannon van Hoorn
Value-based healthcare in inherited bleeding disorders

Jilske Huijben
Assessment and Improvement of Intensive Care for patients with Traumatic Brain Injury

Lea Jabbarian
Well-Being and Preferences of Patients Near the End of Life: Towards better care through better communication

Erik Jansen
Cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccination: Improvements by use of the health policy cycle

Lucie de Jonge
Safeguarding the cost-effectiveness of organized colorectal cancer screening programs: Lessons learned from (unforeseen) real-life events

Marina Karanikolos
The Impact of the Financial Crisis on Population Health and Health Systems
Grace Kiringa Kaguthi
New Tuberculosis Vaccine Trials in Infants: design, diagnostics and trial site development

Marijn Koëter
The influence of Treatment Decisions on the Outcome of Esophageal Cancer

Lili Kokai
Developing mHealth interventions: using dual process theories to reduce cardiovascular disease risk

Lindy Kregting
Effectiveness and perspectives of women in the Dutch breast cancer screening programme

Nikki van Leeuwen
Design and Analysis of Randomized and Non-randomized Studies: Improving Validity and Reliability

Edeltraud Lenk
Diseases of the Poor: the Socioeconomic Impact of Neglected Tropical Diseases

Ineke Lokker
Acknowledging Different Perspectives: Burden and management of symptoms in the last phase of life

Di Long
MEASURING POPULATION HEALTH validity of metrics and patterns of inequality

Diah Martina
Advance care planning in Asia and Indonesia: Cultural perspectives

Miriam van der Meulen
Improving the Performance and Efficiency of the Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme in the Netherlands

Ana Mikolic
Treatment, Outcome and Prediction after mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Minke van Minde
Building bridges between perinatal & preventive child healthcare

Famke Mölenberg
Natural experiments to evaluate local public health interventions

Anna van 't Noordende
The Perception of Leprosy: Studies on assessment, impact and interventions at individual, family and community level

Mark Noordzij
Urban environments, physical activity, and mental-wellbeing. Towards age-friendly cities in Europe

Hanna Noorlandt
Shared decision-making with people with intellectual disabilities in the last phase of life

Adi Nugroho
Behavioral HIV-prevention Interventions for Men who have Sex with Men and Transgender Women in Indonesia

Arvind Oemrawsingh
Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Clinical Care: Methodological Aspects and Practical Applications

Branko Olij
The Impact and Prevention of Fall-Related Injuries among Older Adults

Amir Omidvari
Screening for and surveillance of Barrett’s esophagus: a cost-effectiveness assessment

Joost Oude Groeniger
Socioeconomic Inequalities in Health: A Life-Course Perspective on Social Stratification, Cultural Capital and Health-Related Behaviors

Anouk Overbeek
Advance Care Planning In Frail Older People In The Netherlands

Elleke Peterse
Simulating Population-Level Effects of Colorectal Cancer Screening Policies

Fabio Porru
Causes and consequences of mental health problems among university students and workers

Leah Prencipe
Youth mental Health in Tanzania Social determinants, climate change, and the impacts of social protection

Margreet Putten, van
Oesophageal and Gastric Cancer; optimising care and outcomes in changing clinical practice

Isabel Retel Helmrich
Prognostic research: Methodological Aspects and Applications in Acute Care

Epke Le Rutte
Visceral Leishmaniasis : Potential for Control and Elimination

Valerie Sankatsing
Quantifying and improving outcomes of breast cancer screening. Evaluation and long-term model predictions.

Jolinda Schram
Educational Inequalities in Paid Employment: the role of ill health and working conditions

Charlie Sewalt
Trauma Systems Revisited – A Methodological Perspective on Organization of Care

Marcel Slockers
Mortality, Health Problems and Access to Care for Homeless People

Rik Stoevelaar
Self-Management and Advance Care Planning at the End of Life

Corien Swaan
Timeliness of infectious disease notification & response systems

Gwen Teesing
Improving hand hygiene in nursing homes: Results of the HANDSOME study

Anuj Tiwari
Leprosy Post-Exposure Prophylaxis with Single-dose Rifampicin. Health economic aspects in India

Suzanne van den Toren
Promoting physical, mental, and social well-being of adolescent and young adults

Jose Rubio Valverde
Educational inequalities in health expectancy in Europe: Description, explanation and projection

Francisca Vargas lopes
Better evidence for better mental health policy: Mind the inequalities gap

Ernest van Veen
Ethical and medical decisions in traumatic brain injury: International perspectives from the CENTER-TBI study

David van de Ven
Sustainable Employability among Vulnerable Groups: The role of health promotion and working conditions

Esmee Venema
Endovascular Treatment of Ischemic Stroke | Treat the right patients, at the right time, in the right place

Soraya Verstraeten
Population Health in the Dutch Caribbean: A comparative study of political context and health policy performance

Marjolein van der Vlegel
The burden of the injury: A broad perspective on outcome and costs

Victor Volovici
Traumatic Brain Injury: Evidence, Guidelines and Treatment Variation

Daphne Voormolen
Outcome following Traumatic Brain Injury – Assessment and Preferences

Eveline Wiegers
Comparative Effectiveness Research to Improve Neurocritical Care

Jordi de Winkel
Towards Personalized Evidence-Based Decision-Making in Patients with Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

Junwen Yang
Social Inequalities in Children’s Lifestyle Behaviors and Health Outcomes

Lizhen Ye
Health and well-being of older adults in Europe: A physical, psychological, and social perspective on healthy ageing

Uraujh Yousaf-Khan
The NELSON Lung Cancer Screening Trial: Final screening round and follow up

Xuxi Zhang
Healthy Ageing: Health Promotion for People with Frailty and Chronic Conditions

Nadine Zielonke
Evaluation and Optimization of Breast Cancer Screening Programs: Through the Lens of Europe