Home > Calendar > PhD Defence Suzanne Fikrat-Wevers
08 Mar
PhD defence
Date & Time Friday, March 8, 2024 13:00 Thesis title Selection and Student Diversity: The impact of tools, preparatory activities and applicant acceptance Special Note Senaatzaal, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Campus Woudestein To calendar

PhD Defence Suzanne Fikrat-Wevers

A diverse healthcare workforce is important to increase and equalize access to high quality healthcare for the whole population. There are concerns, however, that diversity amongst health professionals is already harmed in an early stage: during the selection of prospective students. Therefore, this dissertation provides insights into how selection tools, preparatory activities and applicant acceptance can play a role in shaping student diversity in health professions education. In addition, this dissertation offers recommendations to improve the design of selection procedures in order to ensure or even enhance student diversity.